Tag Archives: acne

How can I treat spots in my 30’s?

Q. I am 35 years old and have been suffering with acne like spots around my mouth and chin. I have never had problem skin in the past, why is this happening and what can I do to treat it?

A. When we think back to our teenage years there are many things we’d give out right arm to have back. We spend hours in the gym trying desperately to regain our teenage figures, we long for the days when the most important and pressing issues in our lives where which party to go to at weekend and who is the best looking member of Take That. One thing we never get nostalgic about is our problem, acned, hormonal skin, but a recent survey by the Acne Support Group found that 15% of women are still affected by acne well beyond their teens.

Adult acne is no different to normal acne; it is only given this term to distinguish sufferers from the teenagers we normally associate with spotty skin. Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that most commonly affects the face, chest and back; and experts believe that acne is caused by sensitivity to the male hormone testosterone. That is not to say that sufferers have more of the male hormone, just that they are more sensitive to testosterone which can trigger acne. The rush of hormones associated with puberty explains why teenagers are prone to acne and why women may be prone to spots around their period.

Hormonal acne is usually characterised by large and painful spots around the jawline and chin, which does sound like the type you describe, but stress, poor diet and unsuitable beauty products can also be contributory factors.

An excellent new range that we now have available in our FAB Clinic is the Obagi range. Developed by leading American dermatologist Dr Zein Obagi. Dr Obagi conceived and brought to the market what would become the world’s most recognised brand of physician dispensed skincare products. Designed to transform skin with speciality products, which are clinically proven to work.

There is a specific range to target skin issues of all types and for clients of all ages. The range which would be perfect for your skin in the CLENZIderm MD system. Specifically designed for mild to moderate acne this range is effective in the treatment and prevention of acne.

Daily use of only three products expressly designed to stop acne will clear the skin, renew radiance and minimise side effects of other acne treatments.

Alongside its ground breaking skincare systems Obagi also offer the world famous Blue Peel Radiance  treatment. Initially designed to refresh and lighten dull skin, it will also target fine lines and wrinkles, pigmentary changes due to acne, uneven skin tone, laxity and texture issues and light melisma.

Obagi Blue Peel Radiance

This would be a great treatment for you to have because it completely removes the stratum corneum to reveal the new skin underneath. This in turn means boosted outcomes from your skincare at home. Applying product directly onto this new skin means that the skincare is able to perform to its best ability instead of having to fight through dead skin cells to start working on the skin it is designed to treat.

The trials we have performed in the clinic on models with similar skin concerns to your own have been astounding and the models have seen real results and complete transformations in their skin.

For further information or to book a full consultation with our clinical practitioner, please call in to the clinic or give us a call on 0161 6327 1114, where a member of our team will be happy to help you.